Lucas Druart

Orange Labs & LIA


I am a PhD student under the supervision of Pr. Yannick Estève and Dr. Valentin Vielzeuf. I work jointly with Orange Labs and the Speech and Language Team of LIA. My research focuses on Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) in the context of Task-Oriented Dialogues (TOD).

More broadly I am interested in understanding how to use Artificial Neural Networks to help us understand, organize and analyze large quantities of data.

On my spare time I enjoy getting new perspectives by reading books, traveling or watching movies, cooking nice meals and hiking.


Apr 18, 2023 :computer: The code for our spoken Dialogue State Tracking model, which ranked first in the eleventh’s Dialogue State Tracking Challenge (DSTC11) track ‘Speech-Aware Dialog Systems Technology Challenge’ is now available here !
Apr 12, 2023 🏖️ I will be attending the Traitement Automatique des Langues (ETAL) 2023 Summer School. See you there !
Dec 12, 2022 :mountain_snow: I will be attending the Advanced Language Processing (ALPS) 2023 Winter School. See you there !
Nov 7, 2022 :1st_place_medal: With Léo Jacqmin we ranked first in the eleventh’s Dialogue State Tracking Challenge (DSTC11) track ‘Speech-Aware Dialog Systems Technology Challenge’.

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